use Font::FreeType; my $freetype = Font::FreeType->new; my $face = $freetype->face('Vera.ttf');
Never 'use' this module directly; the class is loaded automatically from Font::FreeType. Use the "Font::FreeType->face()" method to create a new Font::FreeType::Face object from a filename.
Each time your callback code is called, $_ will be set to a Font::FreeType::Glyph object for the current glyph. For an example see the program provided in the distribution.
Returns undef if the glyph is not available in the font.
Returns undef if the glyph is not available in the font.
See also "has_reliable_glyph_names()" below.
See also "has_glyph_names()" above.
Note: currently always returns the x axis kerning, but this will be fixed when vertical layouts are handled properly.
For example, assuming $left and $right are two Font::FreeType::Glyph objects:
my $kern_distance = $face->kerning($left->index, $right->index);
In list context this returns two values corresponding to the x and y axes, which should be treated in the same way.
The "mode" argument controls how the kerning is calculated, with the following options available:
When generating PostScript outlines a resolution of 72 will scale to PostScript points.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.